Mete is annoying as fuck,he plays with keys, he interrupts teachers, he bends his back like a thot and he is just hella annoying also a small dick
Teacher * 2 X 4= 8

Mete* UM no its not right!!!
by Östermalmsfinaste April 17, 2019
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When you have too many backup crushes and end up messing things up with all of them.
Bob - So I like this one girl, but I don't know if she likes me, so I also like 3 other girls.
Bill - Be careful, you might end up pulling a Mete!
Bob - No, you're wrong! I am going to do this plan and not fail!

*1 day later*

Bob - Dang, I messed things up with all of my crushes!
Bill - Told you so! You pulled a Mete.
by milesman34 April 19, 2020
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To have the need to yell out Fuck, by inserting Fuck into a conversation. Since you're surroundings are really quiet then you insert "Mete La Fuck!".
Word created by Albert Gorena.
"Ah I'm really bored...Mete la Fuck!!"
"Albert: Mete la Fuck!!"
by egambaster October 23, 2008
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What the NY Mets do almost every year. They give their fans hope of a playoff appearance early in the season, just to collapse later in the year.
Well, the Mets are METing again this year.
by AimeeLynn September 3, 2021
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The most precious person you have in your life. He ist the most lovable person on this planet. His patience and understanding makes your heart melt. His soft voice and carring behaviour will makes his girlfriend very happy. He is a true and natural beauty from in and outside. You can truely see his muscles from every angle you look at him.
A: You know Mete?
B: Sure, everyone knows him, how can you ask something like that. Thats equally if you ask if I have brushed my teeth.
by B-1411 April 12, 2022
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