An event where you have fun, and have a good time.

It can also be used to describe a person, meaning they are fun, and "a good laugh".
Sliding down those stairs head-first on an air mattress was a frisk!

I always have fun with Dave. He's a frisk.
by Col April 23, 2004
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Frisk is Australian Police code and also Australian slang for either a undercover police officer or someone who is a police informant or someone who is happy to just feed police information about criminal activity.
Police Officer:"have you got confirmation from our frisk ?"

"Be careful I heard James has turned frisk stay away from that frisk"
by JohnNada February 13, 2021
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Frisk is well known to be a person who touches kids predominantly boys they are known to do this because they are born with very small penis and because of this they are a dud root and females can't stand to fuck them so they end up becoming frisks
Hey sharee your husband James is a frisk the dirty bastard frisked my son's ass last night
by JohnNada February 18, 2021
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When a croquette contains prawns and cheese and is eaten the morning after it is bought; you frisk.
by Tarts on Tour March 10, 2014
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the BEST friend you will ever meet. frisk is an amazing person and if u are their friend, u should feel honoured. they are unreplaceable.

also frisk is very hot and swaggy
person a: this is my friend frisk
frisk: hi
person b: damn, ur lucky to be friends with them
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The main protagonist of the hit RPG, Undertale. This character is usually silent and is controlled by the player.
A nice name.

- Asriel Dreemurr
by YoshiGPLS January 9, 2023
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To be touched everywhere by a cop looking for the his friends
Oh my god! Bethany! When that cop frisked me he found his best friend Jeremy in my butthole! You told me it was a good hiding place! BETHANY WHAT THE FUCK!!!!
by Camadillion February 28, 2016
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