One who has been Pwned by 'Nipples of Rage!
Here lies Eliminator, Pwned by Nipples of Rage at 03 Apr 2008, 3:52am.
by Mickx1 April 18, 2008
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If you are looking this up, then he already fragged your ass! Owner of 'put my flag back bitch' award. Master of defense. Derived from the latin word "boo - yah" also refered to as "your daddy"
Eliminator is on a RAMAGE.
by Brian Hagler July 3, 2003
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Bruce Mculloch's chatacter in an episode of Kids In The Hall, who rules the squash courts.
"Oh no, I'm facing the Eliminator next week"
by Conan Troutman August 8, 2003
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An epic game played on a single wall that probably originated somewhere in Encinitas, California. Several people start off at first, hitting the red ball (about the size of a tether ball) against the wall. The server chooses order. The ball must bounce (only once) before hitting the wall, then the next person catches or hits it after no or one bounce(s). The server can call certain things, such as Sudden Death (only hits). One is out if they fail to hit the ball or follow any of the other rules on their turn. Last standing wins.

In some forms of the game, players are allowed to rainbow (go under the ball) for their turn.

A version of a game called wallball, which is the same as Elimination except its only two people.
Elimination is the best game invented that you can play on a wall.
by Pwnz99 January 10, 2011
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1. The first haircut a new recruit receives upon joining the military.

2. The electric buzz clippers used to deliver said haircut.
1. Say goodbye to your long hair, son. You're in the Army now - time for your Emo Eliminator.

2. The Army barber whipped out the Emo Eliminator and went to work on the fresh recruits.
by D.L. Crosse April 13, 2007
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When a group of men elect someone from the group to do a task that none of them want to do. This involves the group of men to get naked lay down on their backs in a circle, then (in a clockwise fashion) the first gets hard and "eliminates" the guy next to him all over his face, and so on.
Guy 1: Alright guys someone has to go watch that jennifer garner movie with her.

Guy 2: Only one way to settle this, elimination jerkoff!
by mark86 May 30, 2009
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