to pay a short, often unannounced visit
"Hi, I was in the neighborhood so I though I'd drop by"
by nick ))) February 23, 2015
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To stop talking about something, especially because it is upsetting or annoying.
by BlackPohatu September 14, 2016
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When you have no vape and are forced to drink the vape juice a drop at a time. Not ideal.
Sophie: I brought my vape!
Brian: Man! I forgot mine! Can I get a drop?
Sophie: Sure!
Brian: I'm Dropping!
by bayanik August 7, 2017
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1. To knock someone over, usually associated with the first hit in a fight.
2. To spend (generally a lot of) money; to buy something.
3. To release an album.

1. An expensive car/convertible. (see whip)
1. I'm gonna drop that kid if he don't back the f*** off.
2. Nigga, I dropped 500 G's on these rocks.
3. Nelly dropped two albums at once this week and they both at the top of the charts.

1. We just got back from the Bentley dealership, bro, you seen the new drop?
by g $ mikey September 26, 2004
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The part of a dubstep tune where it gets so incomprehensibly filthy that one cannot fathom - therefore, ones mind explodes.
Person 1: "Yo dude, check out the drop in this banger"
Person 2: "Holy shit dude"
by Kihet January 16, 2011
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When someone is dropped you no longer wanna be friends with them anymore; you dont fw them nomo
Yo dude i dropped genesis today i really dont like her😒
by Nigga snatcher;) kimberly March 8, 2018
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