A person who hates male cheerleaders and and wants to fight them. The straightest of the straight.
He loves women, he's a Dixon.
by Ryan Dixon July 4, 2003
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The unknown creator of mankind. Believing that God or The Big Bang created the world is propostrous, as this man IS the creator of the world. I am confident about this because I have met him and speak to him on frequent occasions. Just last week when he was ill, the whole world was swept with an evil, dark presence, in the fact that it wasnt properly light until 11am and started to get dark around 2pm. Until he came back, when there was a joyus amount of sunshine to have.
Not only did this man and his ancestors create our world we know and love, but also are in many of your household products, plants, cars and food with the legendary Dixon201 car and the packet of Dixons that broke through the potato snack barrier in 2003.
Because they created the world the Dixon has its own breed of animal with the Dixons that live 120 years and grow up to 1ft tall: a rare household pet. Also including the worker dixons (110 years old, 2-3ft), the battle dixons (90-110 years, 12-15ft) and the Dixon-platapus (5 years, 6").
"A Packet of Dixons"
"How many roads must a Dixon walk down before he's called a Dixon"
"Many Dixons make light work"
"Mark Dixon: We hardly knew ye"
"My Dixon is a worker, he did the fridge last week"
by fat_gal January 11, 2006
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1. To do a "dixon" - take something that's fully functional and completely fuck it up.

2. To do half a job
User: "Hi there I can't get my e-mail to work"

IT Technician: "Sorry mate, it's been dixoned"
by walkies May 22, 2009
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A sexual position in which the receiver positions themselves on the floor with all of their weight on shoulders and upper back while facing their genitalia towards the ceiling (usually up against the end of a bed). The giver then squats above the receiver and repeatedly enters and withdraws in a bobbing motion similar to that practiced by East End police officers of the 1950s.

The term "Dixon" derives from the popular UK TV program "Dixon of Dock Green" which ran for an impressive 21 years between 1955 and 1976. Jack Warner starred as the cockney bobbing police officer... "evenin' all" *bob bob*
Harry: I gave Cheryl a right Dixoning last night. She's got carpet burns all across the back of her shoulders.

Peter: Goodness!
by man called Sun March 7, 2007
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A sexual position in which the receiver positions themselves on the floor with all of their weight on shoulders and upper back while facing their genitalia towards the ceiling (usually up against the end of a bed). The giver then squats above the receiver and repeatedly enters and withdraws in a bobbing motion.

The term "Dixon" derives from the popular UK TV program "Dixon of Dock Green" which ran for an impressive 21 years between 1955 and 1976. Jack Warner starred as the cockney bobbing police officer... "evenin' all" *bob bob*
Harry: I gave Cheryl a right Dixoning last night. She's got carpet burns all across the back of her shoulders.

Peter: Goodness!
by man called Sun March 5, 2007
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To have sex with one of your best mates girlfriends, then getting your head smashed in.
Yeah, your doing the Dixon, you better watch yourself.

Oh my god, he's pulled a Dixon.
Who With?
Beth, again.
by mr. thing October 1, 2006
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Chain of British electrical retailers that exclusively employs male juvenile retards with bad acne. They all wear cheap shiny suits from Burtons or Top Man (clothing chains that employ the same sort of people).

Dixons make their money on selling dodgy extended warranties by trying to scare you that the screen on your shiny new laptop might break. One time they tried to sell me an extended warranty on a £10 kettle. FFS...
Spotty youth: "You can insure the washing machine against breakdown for 3 years for only £10/month".
Me: "Are you saying that this product which I have not yet paid for is unreliable?".
SY: "Ehhhhh...."
Me: "Besides, if it breaks, I will get a plumber out to fix it and that cannot cost as much as £360".
SY: "Security to checkouts please. We have a customer with a brain".
by fubarderby August 20, 2005
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