Some of the teachers I had considered me their pet.
by Saints September 22, 2003
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These are the students that the teacher forever adores. The sad thing is that they don't even have to get good grades they just do numerous things that teachers like, such as:

1) Making schoolnotes or the school website their homepage and then subtly mentioning it where the teacher can overhear
2) Buying a gift so expensive they wouldn't get it for their own mother and then subtly mentioning the price where the teacher can overhear
3) Studying all night long just so they wouldn't let the teacher down and subtly mentioning it where the teacher can overhear
4) Observing and yelling at all the troublemakers when the teacher is out of the room and subtly mentioning them by name and his or her own good act of trying to keep them in line where the teacher can overhear

Basically it's those annoying people that always stand by (figuratively) the teacher and mentioning their good deeds subtly where the teacher can overhear. I have also noticed that they are always the ones who come in with the "perfect" project which has all those weird features and everything lamenated and is soooooo creative that they somehow score better than an A+. I hate them so much. >:0
Teacher's pet: Oh, Mrs. Johnston I love that dress. I can't wait to take that test because I studied a long time but still got plenty of sleep and woke up soon enough to eat a healthy breakfast.
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This bitchy person who has like a 102 average and is like the second teacher. They have like a trillion books in their bag and some textbooks in their hands. They never have poland spring bottles but those expensive bottles with some dumb designs. They also never eat the school lunch but they bring a whole homemade meal with them. Never try cheating from them because 1) they wont let you and 2) they got big mouths they'll rat you out. BEWARE
Yo i asked the Teachers pet for yesterdays hw and he told the teacher i was tryin to copy
The fuck yo we on this nigga
by Alp50 April 15, 2019
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-one student who spends majority of their time fantasizing about work with their teacher.

-a student who visits a teacher everyday after school to help instead of ask for help
- one who raises their hand at every question and answers in run on sentences.
there is this kid in my biology class who is a teacher's pet. he cannot shut up. he runs to the class after lunch and seems to always be raising his hand.
by underage o.d. May 8, 2009
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That annoying little shit in your class who tattles on you for the dumbest shit. They act super nice toward teachers while acting like complete dicks toward the other students. Teacher's pets are often hated by their classmates for being annoying as fuck and for acting superior to other students when in reality they're the ones kissing the teacher's asses.
Me: fuck (says it quietly)
teacher's pet: mr. bates he said the f word
mr. bates (to Me): That's detention for you trouble maker. You know only adults are allowed to use that word
Me: (flips off teacher's pet while walking out)
by Dubiks January 30, 2019
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Some dickhead who always snitches you to the teacher
I swear man, I got bad grades because Danny in our group was the teacher's pet
by No_Quarter_for_them May 6, 2020
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A annoying ass bitch that always wants to fucking help the teacher out then gets mad when they don’t fucking get picked to ducking help
Student: “Oh. I’ll do it teacher! I’ll do it!”
Other student:”Ugh your such a teachers pet.”
by TikTok Legend November 5, 2019
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