A person who carelessly masturbates.ie wacker
"yo man.. I went to Chads house and that talley wacker was walking around with it in his hand!"
by Kevin w.s December 7, 2007
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A kid whom likes to have sexual intercourse with his cousin and looks like a child molester uncle.
Damn That Sam Talley Kid Over There Wants To Fuck My Dad.
by Irriated Monky October 22, 2019
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A very nice person!
She wrote 3 books!

Very rich and successful!
My mother!
(Search her up on google, she'll be there.)
Wow, I love Carla Brice Talley's book!
Carla Brice Talley is very amazing!
by DiorZozo January 11, 2021
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stupid, funny, like tv, couch potato, LOVES FRENCH FRIES, independent, kicks ass, revengeful, hate A LOT of people, wants a dog and a baby, likes girls, did i mention stupid,
all of the above like stupid carol Talley so stupid carol Talley a not quite capable person of anything.
by catlover11 March 2, 2019
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John David Talley is the sweetest person you will ever meet. He loves the Lord and will always pray for those he loves. He LOVES food and naps. He loves to cuddle but mostly so he can receive tickles. His obsession is videos games and spends quite a long time playing them. He is extremely sexy even though he doesn’t see it for himself. If you find a man like him, do not let him go. He is the best!
Girl 1: I just met this guy and he is a total 10. Sweet, kind, caring, and sexy!

Girl 2: Sounds like John David Talley. He is the best!
by Abstract Sounds September 4, 2022
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Wow that’s so Noah Talley!
by Not-it November 24, 2021
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