Short for "Time to dish". The amount of time it takes for a glass, plate or set of cuttleries to be sent and returned to a Night Capper's room.

The only Key Performance Indicator (KPI) that has to be included in any Balanced Score Card (BSC). Well known among most top managers of any bigger organisation and is thus often used as a conversation started at bigger conferences and events.
"Hey Cappers! What's our current TTD?"
by NobelNightCapper October 10, 2018
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I got TTD, or things-to-do anyways.
by anon76889 August 21, 2012
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May also be referred to as TTC (Trance/Techno/Club)

Music classified as trance, techno, club, dance, house, etc.
Cascada, ATC, ATB, DJ Tiesto, Basshunter, Scooter, Tune Up!, etc. are TTC/TTD artists.
by Spectre13 October 3, 2009
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Tweleve Thirty Dead
It's what you people who work at fast food restaraunts call the time when you have no customers (dead) but this always happens at 12:30 and there are no customers!
Mark: Well Shar, looks like the ttd has come.
Shar: it's the ttd!
by Meowcow69 October 29, 2009
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Textually Transmitted Disease. When you recieve or send a virus via text message.
Mark: Dude, I think I just got a virus on my phone.

Kenyon: Thats sucks. It was probably a TTD!
by kenyon21 October 9, 2007
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TTD (Temperament Trending Downward)

Where -- quality of mind, mood, sensitivity, nature, disposition, outlook or character begins to or becomes: calm, serene, composed, unruffled, nonchalant or imperturbable.
As the speaker increased my anger I quickly viewed my phone nature pic’s causing my TTD to reach a tolerable level.
by John Smith Author June 10, 2010
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To The Dumpster, found in RI spin-offs (mostly, it is a response to a really stupid topic that deserves for an admin sending it to the shit topic area, The Dumpster.
User2: TTD
by Drgnzach January 9, 2010
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