Person 1: go sym
Person 2: no u go sym
by The big one.x June 27, 2020
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SYM means "so you mad." This is an acronym that Bow Wow came up with. This can be used in text.
Text 1: where you with my ex last night?

Text 2: yea. sym?
by Love~Neezy July 1, 2009
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(holds two fingers against nose) Hi Richard, smell yer ma ( Sym )

No smell your ma you bastard
by Cookstown August 3, 2022
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Short for shut your mouth. A great abbreviation to send your friend and co-worker before they put their foot in their mouth.
Time to sym before they dump a bunch of extra work on you.
by Snewz June 11, 2008
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Short for the exclamation: "SHITCHYEAH MAN!"
Dood 1: Hey bro, I just got some dank new herbs! Let's blaze a fatty!
Dood 2: SYM!
by DankBlzR November 12, 2010
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short for So You Mad.
created by Bow Wow.
when a hater hits u up tlkn sh*t...hit em wit dha'll piss em off

Hater:: Bow Wow dnt qet no play.His sh*t sux!!

Bow Wow:: SYM?! y u mad niqqa. GNR GNR
by ninist8juiced July 1, 2009
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