A bay area drink ordered in jest. Bartender’s choice. Preferably something putrid.
Why hello there, I’ll have a Skip Hop San Francisco Bop please
by Sawyersaucee August 14, 2021
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Basically the best damn drink in the world if it doesn't kill you it will definitely make you stronger and really hungover take a liter of everclear case of beer big jug of kool-aide mix ice and a small bag of sugar the sweeter it is the better it gets!
Dude I can't find my car, my face is covered in sharpie and there is puke everywhere what happened last night? On man you tried to drink a whole gallon of Hop, skip, & go naked I am impressed your even still alive! What's in it cuz it tasted so good! Everclear beer and kool-aide mix man that's all you got
by Delliott2011 March 9, 2015
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