Ripping someone off in the middle of a deal intentionally, or getting ripped off in the middle of a deal.
"Did you get any money from him?"
"Yeah I shwanged him pretty good."
by Max Vasylenko December 30, 2017
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the act of thrusting ones pelvis.
look at jenna over there, shes really shwanging.
by sufghsod9fg March 17, 2008
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when girls got there shorts really short and there butt is almost hanging out.
ewwwwww look at the shwang on that nasty girl
by tina November 6, 2003
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a word worth yelling after something good, bad (if used sarcastically), or hillarious happens
-"D00d, look! Girl on girl!"
-"Shwang! Let's watch!"
by wtfRachela August 29, 2008
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Shwang is derived from the African word "Sh'Wiang" which means "enjoyment in light of material possesions." Shwang is often used in reference to riding in cars.
Yo, I got some shwang on that thang!
by Darky April 9, 2003
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