to be very sexy and flirty maybe even have sex in a small place with a guy and or girl you like ;
girll! when are you and that boy gunna start shmoozing?!
by silly and billy <3 September 3, 2008
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(Verb) To shmooze is for a a male to prepare fully and meticulously before going out to a club, bar or restaurant. It often involves 'slicking' one's hair back using product, water and a comb. 'Shmoozing' is seen by many as an art.
"Howard hurry up and shmooze, the taxi will be in here in 10 minutes"

"Howard you must have had a great shmooze, because your slick back hair is looking so god damn nice"

"I'm just off for a shmooze - the birds will appreciate it later"
by ClassicPhil69er December 10, 2010
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the stuff that comes out when a guy climaxes
ah shit, you shmoozed all over the bed.
by joe momma May 27, 2003
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The way in which a teacher of middle age possibly a male physics teacher flirts in an effort to gain dominance. This could be done through cheek or teasing.
by Shmoozingturkey June 2, 2018
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