The act of droping a shit

pushing a load, growing a tail, taking the browns to the superbowl, droping the cosby kids off at the pool, droping a deuce
I was in the act of shiting when the phone rang.
by DpPg September 30, 2008
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The Irish/Scottish/ equivalent of the word shit.
shite. shite. shite. shite. shitey. shite. shite.
by shiteymcshiteshite November 12, 2006
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the best way to say 'shit' without getting told off, as you can simply say that you were trying out being Irish for the day.

also, see feck
"what a load of shite"
by parlez February 17, 2005
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Synonym for Liverpool FC. i.e. fans, players, entire club.
i.e. "we are playing The Shite on Saturday". Meaning "we are playing Liverpool on Saturday". Interestingly this term ONLY applies to Liverpool FC, not to any other football club.
by Two Duncs August 11, 2008
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1. A more eloquent or refined way of saying "shit".
2. Sometimes a stronger or more emphasized way of saying "shit": "really shit".

To understand the slightly paradoxical difference note that the word "shite" is usually said in a grimmer and lower tone than the word "shit", which is sharper to say. You can really tear into the word "shite" when you're using it as an insult as in the second example, the word "shit" ends more suddenly. However generally "shite" is not as offensive to say as "shit".
1. "how well did John play...?" "he was shite..."

2. "So how did the training go?" "It was shite!"
by Mr. Zed September 11, 2006
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1) To excrement
2) An opinion
3) An item
4) Offensive term
5) Trouble of difficulty
6) Worthless amount
7) To become infuriated
8) Description of speech
1) I'm going for a shite
2) Thoes tits look shite
3) You're not bringing that shite in here
4) You look like shite
5) Shite, I can't get it up..
6) You know shite
7) Shite, i've cum..
8) You're talking shite
by Agent-VIP July 27, 2006
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