Also Is in love with Cody. Cody Rules. Go Cody. See Cody for details.
Shilo Loves Cody.
by Kayla Pape December 8, 2003
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Shilo is the most beautiful person in the world sheโ€™s a bad ass and makes everyone mesmerized by her body shilo is typically a person with tons of friends and a shit load of weed with her at all times shilo is unique and stunning asf
Oooohhhhh daddy shilo๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘
by Oh mama March 18, 2018
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to retaliate with an unproportional amount of force.
I called him a fag, and he shiloed me by hitting me in the eye with a rock.
by cjames April 28, 2006
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A total slut. A wannabe cowgirl, who is so self conscious she must sleep with every fake cowboy with a ford mustang. Typical shilo will sleep with anyone to get whatever she may need, be it tires for the pickup truck daddy bought her or a good grade in a math class. Shilo
Will never work and just continue sleeping her way through college all of her life.
Tire salesman; hey whos chevy truck is that parked outside?
Other tire salesman; oh that belong belongs to that little shilo, she is in the bosses office fucking him for free tires
by drydickmcgee December 10, 2013
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A description for someone who is overweight, a druggie, and sleeps with every living person and is only 13. Also see slut.
by Pissed Person February 12, 2005
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one who spams a ridiculous amount on a forum,usually a black person
"man that guy has been acting like a complete shilo the past week"
by lenny lennard November 9, 2004
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That one shmo who you just can't tell what race they are
That kid looks like he's Asian..... Or is he black..... Or is he white? Wtf, he must be a Shiloe!
by Better than YOU peรฑa! August 6, 2013
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