A derogatory term for Americans, originally a word play on "yank" rhyming with septic tank, shortened to "seppo". The term became popular among the British and the Australians around the time of WWII, when American soldiers were staged in both respective countries on the way to battle in Europe and Asia. At the time, the populations of both countries greatly resented that the Americans were able to seduce their woman with such ease. Not having much recourse, they lashed out the only way they could, creating silly derogatory terms.
"Oi, thayt bloody seppo had saix wit me wife aynd me two sistuhs!"
by uglyamerican April 9, 2010
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What Aussies and Poms call inhabitants of the USA. The majority of them have incredibly low intelligance are are obese.
I don't want to go to the USA, I might get raped by a stinking seppo.
by Poomandow May 28, 2005
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1. Seppo is an Australian term for Americans, derived from the Australian rhyme slang, "Septic Tank Yanks" due to their heightened sense of jealousy over America's modern toilet system. While still living in the dunny days of exterior outhouses, Australians envy the American septic tank systems that allow Americans to handle business in the comfort of their own home.
2. Seppo is an England and Australian term for Americans, who separated from the Olde Country to make a new life free from British culture. Seppo is an abbreviated form of separate or separatists.
"Some day when I visit America, I'm going to try out a Seppo Lou!"

Those Seppos leave our country, start a new country, and now they keep coming back! There's a Seppo everywhere you look!"
by Woweverynamereallyistaken March 25, 2019
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ffs seppo is here
by youknow124 February 2, 2017
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A person from the Australian state of New South Wales; used as slang derogatory by Victorians and Queenslanders.

Explanation: The three eastern states of Australia are Queensland in the north, Victoria in the south, and New South Wales between them. They are colloquially seen as being Canada, Mexico and the USA respectively. Since seppo is a slang term for American (see above definitions), it becomes a slang term for a New South Welshman.
Victorian: The damn seppos won the 2005 AFL premiership.
by Aspirex January 10, 2006
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A clueless bigot that has lost touch with reality. Derived from Sepp Blatter, the cluless bigot that has lost touch with reality
Unfortunately handshakes were not enough for the seppo to convine everyone else he wasn't a complete cunt.
by Ojay82 November 18, 2011
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The English are basically the Americans of Europe. Loud, obnoxious, arrogant and full of sh*t

Seppo being the derogatory term for Americans, the English being stereotypical tea drinkers = Tea Seppo
That's Nigel ranting on about Brexit again and how England is so great, he's such a Tea Seppo
by Corolla54 January 13, 2021
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