What you say when theres an awkward silence...it can sometimes cause an awkward silence as well.
Friend #1: So Yeah, Like I was sleeping then I fell off my bed and was like WOAHHHHHHHH
Friend #2: That story made me JIZZ IN MY PANTS
*everyone gets silent*
Friend #4(thats right, I skipped 3): SLAPAHOE!
Friend #3: What the fuck?!
*Everyone laughs*
by Slapahoe Niqquh October 14, 2010
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A congregation of distrought gentleman who have been brought down by bitches.
This one bitch got me so mad that she made me want to join the slapahoe tribe.
by Ronbleezy November 6, 2003
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an indian chief, who will slap a ho as necessary.
Aarons drunk altar ego is chief slapaho
by retarated February 27, 2007
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A man who hits the women he dates.
He's a member of the slapaho tribe.
by crew2116 January 28, 2010
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A group of giggling, head bobbing girls that make anyone they contact deseprately want to slap them.

Their native environment appears to be cube farms, but they have been frequently encountered at shopping malls.

If encountered in the wild, you should cover your ears first, point behind them and say, "Is that a Gucci bag on sale?" and then run for your fucking life.

The girls in this office have formed their own little slapahoe tribe.
by The Reverend Chris Custer April 21, 2006
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1. A pimp and his bitches. Derived from the abuse (pimp slap) prostitutes receive at the hands of their pimps.

2. Cycle of domestic violence that spans many generations.

3. Any wife beater.
Yeah, that kid is in the slapahoe tribe. He learned how to treat women from his daddy.
by Blowfish July 24, 2005
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