Sometimes said by a marching band when puting the instrument to their mouths.
*drum drum drumma drumma drum drum drum drum drrrruuuuummm* "RUP" *DAAA DAAAA DAA DA DA DAAAAAAAAAA*
by master stghm April 4, 2004
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When you make someone look at something, that is not really there. If the person looks You rub your hand on the back of the person's neck in a vary fast motion.
Person 1: "Your sock is untied..........Thats a rup."

Person 2: "Ow."
by Jose Cuervoooo May 26, 2009
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The informal nickname for Mr. Jack Ruppert at McQuaid Jesuit high school. this probably originated due to his rapping of a song from the times of the gold rush.
Guy 1: where you going next?
Guy 2: heading over to Rup-Dog's class! YEAH!!!!!!
by a;ldkfhas;dlfk April 25, 2009
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narcisitical, egotistical
one in love with oneself, to love oneself more then another
by rick daniels November 24, 2003
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another nick name for the Kid with Style aka the Golden Child Rupert VanBrawl
i can't believe the Rupty Rup is soo damn great!
by Rick Daniels November 23, 2003
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When something (i.e. a person, place, or thing) is either partially destroyed, mangled, or beyond explanation using any known word in the english language.
While we were driving down the highway, we saw a pretty rupped up car accident downtown.
by Chesty Puller January 8, 2008
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