An extreme sexual manuver when a man is on top of a woman and the man tries to throw the woman around the room while still maintaining insertion.
Guy 1: Did you hear? Bob and Lisa went to the running of the bulls?
Guy 2: Naw d00de.
by CamRon Bawllsack March 11, 2008
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It was morning. The bulls would be running soon. That means the bulls would need fighting. "I will fight the bulls," said Nick as he chugged his morning whiskey.
Nick grasp his wooden stick tightly as the bulls charged toward him. "I must fight the bulls," said Nick as he swang his wooden stick at the first bull.
by Paul Thundergod July 8, 2003
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Sorry, I can't come to the bake-sale today, I have to participate in the running of the bulls. But save me a cupcake!
by setch August 26, 2003
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A cruel tradition in Pamplona, Spain, in which bulls are driven down a street with people running in front of them. Only a few of the human participants have been killed in the history of the event, however, every bull that has run through the street has been horrendously stabbed to death in the bull ring. To protest this act of animal cruelty, animal rights activists have started a new tradition: The Running of the Nudes, in which protestors run the route, many without clothes on.
That idiot is going to participate in the Running of the Bulls.
by Bite me October 30, 2003
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a group of american lamborghini owners set off from la to drive across country called running of the Bulls.
where lamborghini unvieled murcielago
by Kingcat September 27, 2004
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