cunnilingus. the opposite of dome(fellatio).
you cop that reciprocal yet?
by asian! June 22, 2006
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Another word that Donald Trump pulls out of his tookus when he is attempting to sound intelligent.
Reciprocality would evolve if our President would step down and admit he is unfit for the job.
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the act of making doing something onto a fool an act dat fool did dun to you.
When Duane broke his foot up in my ass I turned and said, "yo, dont make me reciprocicate and break my foot up in yo' ass. Fool"
by The Solorzano Brothers March 7, 2005
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A word your friend doesn't know how to use.
When you're friend think China is located next to US that would mean China is a reciprocal for that person.
by @yaboicarter September 14, 2017
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The act of clicking "like" or commenting on someone's facebook status when you otherwise wouldn't have, but you complete the act because that person has commented or "liked" many of your entries.
Guy: Did you really comment on that picture?
Other Guy: Kinda had to, he's been commenting on my status ever day. Facebook Reciprocity.
by P. Nathan Poothy January 10, 2011
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The point one reaches when they have asked too many favors without paying any back.
Roger is a douche, he reached terminal reciprocity after that last shenanigan.
by Groad December 31, 2008
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