A delicious and nutritious brand of cereal. Or so it says. It is actually a disgusting excuse for a "cereal" where the shriveled up raisens from california are put into it to make a breakfast that you may as well just throw away as soon as you got home from the grocery store and sue the company for false advertisement.
Jimmy- "My, Teresa! you sure look hungry!! How about you eat some of my Raisin Bran?"
Teresa- *hurls all over the table*
by murasaki-ryuu September 27, 2009
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This is when the man, having lost his erection, pees in his girl's ear. Then she turns her head sideways and dumps the urine onto his balls in hopes of getting things started again.
Brian had to raisin bran that chick to finish the job.
by MarkMcG October 26, 2005
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One person throws up on another's butt and he poops a raisin textured poop on his chest.
by Thegamerblocky May 29, 2023
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