When you are above her and she is sucking your dick, but she starts to fondle your big old rusty, dusty, crusty, and wrinkly balls, and she then yanks them.
"Oh that feels good 😌... Ow! Stop Apple Picking, you fucking dirty whore!"
by ClinicallyComedic March 8, 2017
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A pickpocket-er who steals a device made by the Apple Inc or steals an iPhone is called an apple pick..
People are now a days apple picking.
by ShenHAX March 8, 2016
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When the woman is on top while having sex, the man reaches for her titties, and she leans slightly back so he misses them and is left grasping thin air. The man has then gone apple picking.
Sally: "Me and Jerry was gettin it last night!"
Mary: "oh yeah? Did you try anything new to spice it up?
Sally: "Well, when I was on top I had him apple picking like he was hungry!"
by GingerPaws February 8, 2017
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The fetish of plucking out a man’s testicle hairs.
Dave’s balls are smooth and shiny since last night’s apple picking!
by Orchard-eer September 25, 2020
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Code for lets get fucking shitfaced this weekend
Hey lets go to the orchard this weekend and go apple picking.

No Kelsey, I'm not alcoholic like you.
by grass eater October 19, 2009
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Apple Picking

During intercourse, a man makes the woman (or man, whichever you prefer) pick the dingleberries from his ass with her tongue.
To get revenge for the cleveland steamer his wife gave him, he decided to make her go apple picking.
by PhrizzlePhry November 27, 2010
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The act during felatio or intercourse of gently twisting and then pulling on a man's testicles with the desired effect being to temporarily forestall orgasm.
Dude! My Girlfriend totally went Apple Picking last night. I lasted through Pink Floyd's "the Wall."
by Paraderain September 23, 2010
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