He is a annoying ass kid smart but is annoying as hellll
Omkar is so annoying
by 182736363)3?;?;!;!( October 28, 2019
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Omkar is the funniest man you will meet. If he were a dog he would be a golden retriever.
If he is your friend, you should thank the gods for this opportunity. Loves chai and chakli.
He is goofy,loyal and smart. He works very hard but forgets to rest and prioritise his health.
He is a lil smol but his heart and personality make him humungous.

Omkar most definitely is destined to date a Shruti.
Person 1 : Who is Shruti standing with?

Person 2 : Oh! he is Omkar.
by Sh05Y November 24, 2021
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This person is the epitomy of fucking annoying. His height is usually less than 5 foot but dont let that fool you. This dipsht will make your life a living hell. Constantly annoying the fuck out of you and bring back stuff that happened many years ago just to win an argument because he has the equivalent IQ of a dung beetle
Bro your brother acting like a dipshit- i mean an Omkar, can you tell him to stop before i punch his face in?
by as5h0le November 28, 2021
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Someone who is truly fantastic and very funny. He will have lots of friends and is generally entertaining to be around. Omkars are also very smart.
That omkar over there really has lots of friends!
by )))))::::(((((( April 9, 2010
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A really cool kid who everyone loves and no one hates expect for those few MFs who halve no friends and j hate their life because a puppy rejected them. Teamwork is his middle name except when it isn't.
Omkar is a real g unlike evreen who equates to apple but has the brain of an android.
by Trippydonaldduck6969 October 11, 2021
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A person with no friends and is dumb

a tinpot person
He is such an OMKAR
by CREZTIN October 7, 2020
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The greatest person ever, The ruler of all 7 seas, The Role model of each and every person.
"One day you might be like the Amazing Arjun Singh Omkar if you work hard enough."
by Kashizudoto September 14, 2016
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