the language spoken exclusively by knackers and tinkers.
1 knacker to person : "olla bolla,olla bile bolla holla holla bolla holla carpet jaysis! hilla olla billa bolla are ye? any scrap metalilla? hail mary b jaysis!

person: what? go away please you dirty pikey,move them caravans or i'll call the police.
by john downes September 3, 2006
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A form of greeting people while also giving them a compliment by implying they are sweet, nice, cute, soft, innocent, but also a little weak. "Vanilla" is a sweet way of addressing someone and "olla" brings an exotic touch, making "olla vanilla" the absolute best greeting that has ever existed.
by deryuts April 24, 2021
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It translates to "In a pot." Dominican for being in a bad position economically; being broke, not having money.
No tengo nada de dinero; estoy en olla.
I don't have any money; I'm in a pot.
by a-a-a-nathaly September 14, 2021
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“En olla ” , is a Dominican phrase / way of saying “I’m broke
GUY1: coño mi hermano ‘toy en olla

TRANSLATION: damn bro I’m broke .
by Babiesshouldruletheworld November 23, 2021
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1. Dansa indígena que es troba al mig del públic en un concert, ús potencial de la violència. Va nèixer amb el punk i ara fins i tot es fa als bolos de Txarango.
2. Cosa que fa la teva ment quan vas molt fotut de drogaporro
1. Ei anem a obrir una olla als Catarres? Vull obrir el cap a un nen de 12 anys.
2. Joder aquest peta com puja, anem a parlar d'olles. Imagina que folles de veritat.
by malson May 27, 2019
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