state with the best basketball teams in the country.
numerous righteous UNC fans came to the dean dome to boo the evil duke empire
by fromtexasbutdontlikeit February 12, 2004
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the coolest state in the country. may not be california, but it is definitely my home sweet home. got the mountains on the west, got the beach on the east, and everything in between. what could be better?

home to awesome basketball teams. dont hate on the south and east coast, cuz you know we rock. we may be part of the south, but we have diversity everywhere. can't forget the first flight. sure, we have a countryside, but then we have the urban city side! see? north carolina is all-around AWESOME.

if u dont like north carolina and think we're just some rednecks and hicks, get on a plane and fly over to nc and watch me kick your a$$ :-)
by Carolina_Babe May 30, 2005
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An all American state that is just below the Mason-Dixon line enough to have that Southern charm and just North enough to be a great vacation destination. With perfect beaches a minute to the East and beautiful mountians, like no other, a ride to the West. Where the best memories are made with those Carolina girls/guys through all the seasons.Theres no other like Carolina ღ~ღ
Where did you go this summer?

Man I hit up the North Carolina coast

Ah mucho(A lot of) Hotties?

Oh si, Mi amigo, si
(oh yes, my friend, yes)

Sweet dude

If you only knew ;)
by Della Creech February 17, 2009
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The 12th state to ratify the constitution. Has some big cities, like Greensboro (the best one), and Charlotte, and lots of smaller towns in the country. College basketball is the main sport, because schools like Duke and UNC are consistently successful. The ONLY state in America where you can visit the mountains, beach, and city in the same day. You can't call us rednecks- I mean cmon we have an NBA team. Also pretty kickass climate-wise because I can wear shorts year-round.
If you went to any of the states that border North Carolina (Virginia, Tennessee, and especially South Carolina), you'd get your ass on the soonest flight back.
by Tikibarberfan July 12, 2010
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The state above South Carolina. Somehow, a very thin state line managed to separate the very awesome state of North Carolina (and its beautiful mountains) from the shithole of a state that is South Carolina
"South Carolina is shit. North Carolina is much better."
by psuedonyms are pointless October 21, 2009
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north carolina...home to RJR tobacco, Krispy Kreme, beautiful beaches, gorgeous mountains. the state is not full of southern rednecks as is thought by plenty of yankee's. also home to 4 great ACC college teams: Wake Forest, UNC, NC State, and Duke. either you hate UNC and love duke or vice versa. ACC is life around here, North carolinian's live and breath basketball. michael jordan is also from the lovely town of Greensboro and he played ball for UNC.
north carolina, home of tobacco, cheerwine, mountain dew, pepsi, and krispy kreme
by iacbgap December 14, 2005
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North Carolina has its country sides (duh)
and then has its urban cities: (1)Charlotte
I know I forgot soem cities but..I could care less, just giving you an idea.
by City Bandit May 4, 2005
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