1. A Hungarian vampire, specifically a sparkly one.

2. A sweet transvestite from transsexual Transylvania.

3. A transvestite with a glitterdick.
Person A: Have you heard Emily is dating Norbert?

Person B: You mean the kid with the glitterdick?

Person A: No, the Hungarian transvestite!
by Yourtwinnies January 27, 2011
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A norbert is a word used to describe a person who is either a knobhead or just generally noysome or knobbish.
Youre being a right norbert today.
by Peter McCarthy August 27, 2008
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A complete asshole from Romania. Wishes that his glitter dick was anywhere near as large as Nick's.
Man, did you see how brightly Norbert's glitter dick reflected last night?!?!
by <Norby3 January 27, 2011
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To describe when a programmer needs approval(s) for his pull request, so that the proposed code changes meet the agreed criteria for code merge.
I need one more norbert and I can prepare the demo tomorrow.
by The_one_who_cares November 3, 2021
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A Norbert is a massive anime porn and is a discrase to human society
Your a propper Norbert my GuY
by lucy1lucy December 4, 2018
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Norbert is a hungarian male name.In german it means: "North Light".It's hungarian shoutcut is : Norbi.
I saw Norbert yesterday.
My name is Norbi.
by Norbi October 26, 2007
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