Random person:“Hey Jacob it’s National kick a boy named Jacob day”
Jacob: “uh oh..”
by Skskmoto November 19, 2019
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If you know anyone named “Moses” then you are required to kiss them.
someone: hey, it’s National “Kiss anyone named Moses” Day
someone named moses: say less!
by Moses Day February 26, 2020
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A day where people who’s names start with N and L must have sex on May 15th
Luci: I’m so excited to fuck Nicole today for national N and L names fuck day
Albert: Wow I sure wish I could celebrate a day like this
by nives24645 May 15, 2021
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On November fourth, go find a leaf and name it
Hey bob, is November 4th!
What’s happening on November fourth Larry?
National name a leaf day! You have to go find a leaf and name it!
by Googlyeyejeff November 1, 2019
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A day commencing on September the 3rd, honouring all boys/men with blonde hair and blue eyes, particularly those named "Liam". This day requires you to splash out $5 to every boy who falls under these characteristics.
"Today, is National blonde hair blue eyes boys named Liam day, better give every Liam with blonde hair and blue eyes $5!"
by lmlm99 September 2, 2021
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National Stairban A Furry Named Zirin Day is the day when you can stairban a furry that is named zirin.
"oh shit i just got stairbanned"
"haha it is National Stairban A Furry Named Zirin Day"
"I'm not named zirin and I'm not a furry"
by \\\/\ October 27, 2020
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