NTD - Nothing to do. State of mine where there is so little to do you just go blaze or do drugs and sit around. Doing nothing, everywhere you go there is nothing to do. Wherever you are you kinda want to be someone where else.
-Hey dude, what's going on today?
-Word, ill bring the bong.
=Yep, gunna sit around
by Ryan H. K. March 10, 2008
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The state of having nothing to do which occurs all day everyday. More than likely this results in you wanting to get stoned. There is never anything to do anywhere, and wherever you are you probably want to be somewhere else. A Way of Life!
Ryan: "Yo, what you doing today?"
Greg: "Ntd"
Ryan: "Word, ill bring my bong?"
Greg: "Yeah, I have some chips we can eat."
Ryan: "Yeah we can listen to my new techno CD, its crazy!"
Greg: "yeah lets sit around and do nothing basically"
Ryan: "Yup... NTD... like usual.."
by Ryan H. K. March 11, 2008
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the #ntd movement is a movement where girls across the globe kick their exes in the balls. nick the dick was a very dicky person with a very dicky personality if you have not yet noticed:).
becky: "so tell me about that ex."
me: "oh he's a dick."
becky" nick the dick."
me: "let's start a movement, the nick the dick movement."
both: "#ntd movement! "
by allsmilesallaround May 11, 2018
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Nicotine Transmission Device. Any Vaping device you chief.
Yo Evan, let me get that NTD,
by BigChief8219 December 6, 2018
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Katie: *twerks*
Jon: You can’t do that it’s NTD
by Real girl who December 2, 2019
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Sarah P. was wearin' a nice white thong on NTD
by BDS March 20, 2003
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whenever you see at least 5 hot girls wearing thongs on one day and you think to yourself, "mmm, mm mm, mmm
Dude, it's NTD today. I saw like 7 hot chicks wearing thongs today. I almost had to go to the bathroom to jack off!
by Dan Solomon November 13, 2003
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