N.O.A.M. Niggas On A Mission.. none of that penis bs. and nothin' bout damn krakas
representin' NOAM biotch! holluhh
by emanuel August 23, 2004
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N.O.A.M.=Noam On A Man
WOW!!!! That guys is such a noam!!!! he just jumped on top of a naked man!!!!!
by small_music September 12, 2018
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Stands for Not an Outstanding and Amazing Man
Look at that ant baby worm-eyes looking guy over there, isn't he such a NOAM
by My names Nona buisness May 5, 2018
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Says “all these racks give me a boner” every 5 seconds

And needs a haircut

And speeds around in an e bike


Is a cripple
Noam hit me with his crutches today :(
by Noamsucksdick April 30, 2019
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A saying in reference to a food item that one has just eaten.

a PUN on the American linguist, philosopher, cognitive scientist, and political activist.

Also a PUN regarding the slang "you know what I'm saying?", or "nahm sayin' ".

Noam = Ya Know
Chompski = What I've eaten
What did you get for lunch today?

Oh, I just got the Burger at Shake Shack, Noam Chompski?
by BURPLAMBS September 9, 2010
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when someone thinks the world revolves around them, gets mad at you over nothing and then blocks you, acting like you’re the bad guy <3
A: “he saw my story and wrote a whole paragraph ranting, when it wasn’t even about him. then he blocked me before i could even respond!”
G: “classic noam behavior”
by sweetenergv March 15, 2022
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