A small town in Pennsylvania, where no one likes the mayor. The place to be is J&Js. Yuck yuck is a local legend. All the girls have bleach blonde hair thats been died five times or more and wear too much eyeliner. Whenever anyone calls 911 theres four cop cars, two ambulances and a swat team. You know that "West is the Best, East is the Least, and Central has Potential." . Your parents sign papers that allow the school to give you drugs so you don't get cancer if TMI burns down. People take the day off school for opening day of hershey park. Cona Cabana is the place for ice cream. Everyone knows everyone.
OMG! did you hear about that girl from Middletown, Pennsylvania?
by FridaLivery August 15, 2008
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This happens when you take a poptart, toast it, and shove it in a girls vagina.
Then you eat the poptart as it lodged in her vagina!
Middletown Poptart
by Nightwolfx2 January 16, 2009
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Small ass town where everyone knows you, your family, and your business...usually a quarter or more of the town is related, also a definite hick town :)

Amazing football team :P
Person 1: "Hey you wanna go to Middletown, CA?"
Person 2: "What's that?!"
Person 1: "Small ass hick town"
Person 2: "FUCK THAT!"
by Mtown Girl :) March 4, 2011
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Dropping a duece on the sheets then rolling your mate into during sex. (famous in Middletown, DE)
Wendy turned the tables on Eric and gave him a Middletown Masher to welcome him home from a night of drinking.
by BJ76 September 9, 2005
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A small town in Missouri which is considered by many to quite possibly contain the portal to hell, or at least purgatory. Local activities include going to the bar and drinking, visiting the town gas station and drinking, attending church and drinking, and basketball.

Town Population: 199
Racial Diversity: There isn't.
Advice: Do NOT purchase non canned goods from the local grocery store. It's better off not to know why.
Local Style: Dirty, filthy, beat up pick up trucks; Levi Jeans with worn ring shape in back pocket, presumably from a can of Skoal; Some sort of sign symbolizing your love for the Confederate Flag. Act as if you're above those who do not follow this strict dress code.
"Can you get any cell service?"
"We're in fucking Middletown, MO. What do you think?"

"Where do you come from?"
"Middletown, MO"
"Oh I'm sorry..."
by Johnathan Thunder April 7, 2010
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Middletown, Pennsylvania is the oldest town in Dauphin County and is among the most dreadful also. Once a town full of 19th century money, it is now a conglomeration of white and ethnic trash that thrive on section 8 living. The town is host to the lovely TMI - Three Mile Island nuclear power plant that might as well have obliterated the town in its' near meltdown back in the late 1970's. The town is now just a hodge-podge of poorly maintained vinyl and aluminum sided structures that somewhat resemble ghetto housing, cops that are notorius for overstepping their boundaries and citizens that resemble skid row. Don't waste your time, energy or thoughts on this deplorable place.
"Oh yes, Middletown Pennsylvania is the ghetto located in Dauphin County near Three Mile Island and Pennstate Harrisburg.
by YoBabyGayDaddy January 30, 2012
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A small city located in Connecticut of approximately 47,000 located south of Hartford. Middletown is very underrated, and is often seen for Wesleyan University, the Portland Bridge, and Connecticut Valley Hospital. Middletown has a lot of things for all types of age groups to do (unless you’re a teenager. Then the only thing you can pretty much do is go to the YMCA on Friday’s and get in fights).

Middletown is a beautiful mix of urban, suburban, rural, and even where-the-hell-are-we type of communities. Almost everyone here is Italian, or knows someone Italian. It is a very beautiful small city with many things to offer.

The schools in Middletown, however, could be better. The elementary schools in Middletown are wonderful, as well as Mercy and Xavier (Private Catholic high schools). Vinal Tech is ok, as well as Middletown High School.

The middle schools, however are complete ghetto trash. As of now, there is a 6th grade only school called Keigwin, and a 7-8 grade school called Woodrow Wilson Middle School. They are currently working on building a new middle school that should be finished in August 2021 called Beman Middle School that will house grades 6-8. It will most likely be just like Woodrow Wilson Middle School, only with a different name and building.

Overall, Middletown is a great place to live.
Person 1: Where do you live?

Person 2: Middletown, Connecticut
by Youngoofer69 July 3, 2020
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