A character from the manga 'Death Note' who is confident over his actions.

*L farts.*
Light Yagami: Exactly as planned!
- Who is the most evil manga character but still called as "protagonist"?
- Light Yagami.
by unmol December 9, 2022
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Light Yagami is kira. Also a sussy imposter and kills people by using a diary. Also a serial killer. He kills 5 year old that steal crums from the store or anyone who does any sort of crime. He also is super smart and gay. He is the gayest person you will ever meet. He also has an obsession to potato chips.
Misa: Have you seen Light Yagami recently.
L: You mean kira?
Misa: No, Light Yagami is not kira. Why would you think that.
by yourmomsdadmom June 6, 2021
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the hot and sexy murderer from the amazing anime death note. people hate him because he is a mass murderer but he just wanted justice.
idiot: i hate light yagami
smart sexy person: i am going to end your bloodline
by light yagami’s wife April 12, 2021
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One of the hottest and sexiest anime characters ever, probably a closeted homosexual and likes potato chips.
The main protagonist of Death Note with a strong sense of justice and is pretty intelligent for his age, he finds the Death Note and decides to become a god with it even though he already is one. Probably has a huge dick aswell and I would love to suck his cock
Person 1: Oh my god, light yagami is so hot I just wanna get railed by him
Person 2: I know right! Same
by lightyagamiforpresident July 3, 2021
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The main character of the anime Death Note that has a striking resemblance to Justin Bieber.
That anime was so predictable at the beginning, I knew Light Yagami was Kira. But who the hell is L?
by Coolio Tick July 11, 2015
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he is a peron with a god complex and is a mass murder stan l and misa tho. straight people find him hot he is anime boy
light yagami is kira in a anime , manga and luve action show
by Sanrionekos November 27, 2020
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literally the whore of deathnote and is so closeted aswell. I dont gve a fuck about him or l they both annyoing as hell lol i will beat that bitch the fuck up with his mop ass hair he pissing me off
omg is that light yagami he is so fucking annoying lol
lets beat light yagami the fuck up after im finished fucking this burger up MHMM
by pengtingdonae December 25, 2020
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