1) A cultureless and classless women.

2) A female attracted to sweet lettice and those who rip top chedd, their main goal in life is bukkake from an entire lax team.
The laxtitute grabbed me by my flow and worked by shaft.
by SigmaCha head rush December 9, 2010
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A girl that pretends she can play lacrosse, and walks around wearing a sports bra(generally neon) a lax penny, and spandex. The laxtitutes of schools are generally the sluttiest ones, who think that they're too cool. They generally have big boobs and don't hide them.
Guy 1: damn!
guy2: what?
guy 1:look at that girl over there
guy 2: oh that laxtitute? yea we fucked last night
guy 1: think she'll want me?
guy 2: probably- consider you play lacrosses
laxtitute: what are you looking at?
guy 1: your ches-- nothing!
laxtitute: it's ok i dont mind! wanna touch 'em?
guy 1: yea!!
by yeamanyeagirl May 30, 2011
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