A Serbian name. Not Serbian land.
Named somehow after a battle took place in some year during 14th century, between the Turks and the Serbs. Was previously "Dardania" which most likely translates to today's Albanian Dard = Dardhë meaning Pear, or Land of Pears. So it's previously Albanian owned land.
Random Serbian: Kosovo je Srbija
Based Chad: Where's that?
Random Serbian: Under Serbia
Based Chad: That's Dardania
Random Serbian: No
Based Chad: Learn history kid.
by 4nkn0wN April 13, 2022
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What belonged to someone until he/she destroyed it and some other person repaired it and the person who use to have the land/object is bitching against the new owner.
Example : Kosovo used to belong to Serbia and
Serbia completely raped Kosovo in the war. So
the Albanians ''repair'' Kosovo and later Kosovo declared independence and Serbia was mad because they used to be a part of Serbia but Kosovo said ''You raped my lands so screw you!'' *Serbia cries*
by Matrosnic July 25, 2008
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"Kosovo" is a wannabe-country (spelled correctly Косово и Метохија or transcripted correctly "Kosovo i Metohija") in the Southern Part of Serbia.It´s "ruled" by a terrorist, who cleansed Serbians for the UCK (Terrorists who fought for independence and against any non-albanian) in the 90s.

Kosovo always has been part of Serbia, is Serbia AND ALWAYS WILL STAY SERBIA
(UN Res. 1244 says territory of Yugoslavia (and Serbia as it´s sucessor state) isn´t allowed to be touched)
by Vladimir Putinski November 14, 2019
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Kosovo is a province in southern Serbia. It is Serbian, until it claims its independence, which surely is going to happen.

There was a big battle of Kosovo in 1389, where both Serbian and Turkish emperor lost their lives.

The Serbs anticipate that event very much.

Kosovo is, though, the center of drug dealing, sex trade, weapon black market, etc, for all the other countries in the world, e.g. USA, as one of the biggest.

People that live there are popularly called Shiptars. They often don't have power, water, homes, education, teeth or anything else.
'Kosovo is Serbia' (Kosovo je Srbija) - often used by patriots that don't want its independence. Seen in almost every graffiti art in Serbia.
by I love Coldplay! October 18, 2011
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An alcoholic mixed drink consisting of Kiwi Strawberry juice and cheap vodka (esp. Popov).
"I got so shitty off Kosovo last night."
by 2-1-3 March 27, 2010
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