Keegan is an amazing and original name. Everybody loves Keegan. He is happy, and random, yet sometimes hides his true feelings which annoys the girl that likes him. The girl that he is crushing on is very lucky.
by koshkisses February 3, 2010
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A short black guy who is obsessed with his mediocre ability to do scooter tricks. Only owns about 5 ugly shirts, and is often confused for a T-Rex because of his profusely short arms.
See that guy that just crashed his scooter off of a ramp? He's a total Keegan
by xsfugde April 3, 2020
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word to describe how uterly awsome, cool, sexy and handsome someone is.
(the best at everything.)
(the coolest person ever to be on this planet.)
(sexies person alive.)
(to handsome for there own good)
ooooo la la, you look so keegan
by awsomenessage February 16, 2009
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A pretty hot dude usually has green eyes and brown hair and the cutest dimple. Their smile is the most precious thing and they usually don't have their phones. Every girl secretly has a crush on him. He's usually a badass who's always getting in trouble and in serious need of new friends
Girl: wow look at Keegan he's so hot

Friend: I'd totally fuck him
by Browneyedgirl July 3, 2017
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A beautiful male who has colorful hair, is tall, large muscles, and colorful eyes. Keegan is wanted by many, but he only wants one girl. The girl he is crushing on is very lucky and should realise that. Keegan is very loyal to the woman he is in a relationship with and would never do anything to hurt her. If he likes a woman, he will always talk to her and think about her. He is also shy around alot of people, but extremly outgoing around his friends. He spends alot of time on the internet and playing video games. He often turns nocturnal due to lack of sleep. He is proud of his russian heratage, and often brags about it. He is great at athletics, but doesent enjoy sports. He listens to ALOT of metal, dubstep, and reggae, but will listen to other songs that he can relate to. He is extremly funny, but due to the fact that he rarly talks, only a few can tell. He has a cool haircut but it messes up sometimes XD He usually waits for someone else to talk first though. He is also only attracted to asians, but in order to want a relationship with one, he must really like her.
Keegan is such a cool dude.

Bro 1: "I wish Keegan would talk more in class"
Bro 2: "He talks all the time around us!!!"
Bro 1: "True."

"Wow, Keegan sure likes her alot to talk to her THAT MUCH."
by YourBro,Alex. January 18, 2013
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Waffles. The only word to describe a Keegan. Waffles.
by ndfwjklwfk May 19, 2009
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1)keen sexy and masculine man.
2)one who brings laughter.
3)really badass person
4)a very sexual being
5)a very large penis
1)dayum look at Keegan
2)haha dude thats hilarious, youre so keegan
3)holy shit that stunt was KEEGAN!
4)OMG have you guys ever been with a Keegan? the best ever
5)"how bigs your dick?" "lets just say its a keegan" "=D"
by BAOB March 20, 2009
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