The number one reason and/or excuse for any situation. Also highly effective in college applications.
Them: "You just let three pigs loose in the school! How the hell were you able to get away with that?"

You: Cause I'm swag like that


Them: "Why should we accept you into our university?"

you: "Cause I'm swag like that"
by Javalin597 July 24, 2011
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When you're so angry with someone you momentarily feel like commiting murder. This term was thought to originate from the British Soap character Pat Phelan, an infamous serial killer.
I'm so angry that he stole my ergonomic pen. I'm phelan like Pat did.
by Corrieface November 12, 2020
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Alycia: "Eh.. go buy me some grocries "
Riley: "Shit bitch, i'm broke like a nigga with food stamps."
by blackfeet09 August 2, 2010
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