For when you hit your mounse in your screenpad there needs to be the perfect description, and this is it. It can also be used as a greeting to other people who hit their mounses in their screenpads, or as a way to express any known emotion, and even some unknown emotions.
guy 1: i just hited my mounse in screen pad xd
guy 2: i just hited my mounse in screen pad xd
guy 3: i just hited my mounse in screen pad xd
guy 4: wtf?
by Mattyus9000 March 9, 2021
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A Native American slang of saying too bad or that sucks.
Hite you didn’t win the lottery
by mariosleftball July 31, 2023
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He’s fucking cracked at Fortnite and would body most. He’s also very talented at many instruments (even the oboe) he’s and extremely hot and sexy
Aiden Hite can suck a dick
by Cummmmmmmmmmmbuckit August 10, 2019
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