A nickname given to a person, typically male, with an abnormal large head. The size and shape of the head clearly resembles a WW2 German helmet.
ME:- Lads, this is my new friend .
FRIENDS:- Jesus what a massive head, we shall call you Helmut.
by Fireman71 May 6, 2018
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The act of placing your testicles over a girls eyes and laying your penis down the length of her nose.
I gave her a Roman Helmut last nite..
by DPM March 1, 2004
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A German term (Hence Helmut) used to describe the foreskin on the penis; covering the gutter for which the penis cheese is harvested.
King Nectars got a lot of penis cheese hidden behind that gutter helmut.
by Stickman Straw December 20, 2004
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Putting your balls on someone's eyes and laying your cock across the length of their nose, thus creating a gladiator helmut
by Kronik September 26, 2003
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First, inconspicuously dunk your teabag into a bowl of fresh glitter; next, drag your sparkling alligator skin bag from the left temple across the forehead, finishing at the right temple
He was out cold, so we all took turns applying a fresh glitter helmut
by Big D-Newport February 18, 2020
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The head of a penis. The knob, the top of a skin bishop. Spear and magic purple helmut.
Your purple helmut was swollen from excessive tugging. Spear and magic purlple helmut were ready for action.
by Le Pickle Le Kisser February 21, 2007
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