F Scott Fitzgerald's classic book. The story of a man Jay Gatz, Daisy, the woman he loves, and Tom, Daisy's arrogant husband. Told from the perspective of Gatsy's neighbor, Nick.
The story reflects the cultural distinction between the upper and lower class during the 1920's in America.
"Nobody know what compelling Jay, the Great Gatsby as he was called, but all were glad to attend his wonderful parties."
by NeroMan August 25, 2003
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To attempt to cum into a girl's mouth, but miss. Named after the novel, "The Great Gatsby".
Person 1: Julian tried to cum into this chick's mouth, but his cum didn't shoot far enough and completely missed the target.

Person 2: That sucks! Julian pulled "The Great Gatsby".
by Average Angel September 15, 2011
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‎"Daisy tumbled short of his dreams, not through her own fault, but because of the colossal vitality of his illusion...no amount of fire or freshness can challenge what a man will store up in his ghostly heart." F. Scott Fitzgerald
The expectations of his relationship with Daisy did not meet with reality in F. Scott Fitsgerald's "The Great Gatsby."
by Expectations-Reality September 16, 2010
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Possibly the most boring book on planet earth, and yet everyone wants you to read it.
I just got assigned to read "The Great Gatsby" for the fifth time!
by neegbag August 17, 2009
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A "classic" novel, The Great Gatsby is a book that English teachers find necessary to assign their students to read, even though the plot is stupid, and everyone ends up dead, alone, or unhappy. Nobody knows quite how this book became a classic, but the '70s movie remake of the book stars Law and Order's Sam Watterson.
While his students' brains melted out of their heads due to boredom, the English teacher droned on about the signifigance of Gatsby's car being yellow throughout the boring novel, The Great Gatsby.
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The essence of douche-baggery, a flaming homosexual book that has no relevance to any intellectual thought. Often assigned as a highschool reading text that is thought to be interesting among these teens when in reality they want to take a big steaming shit on the cover and scream violently at the teacher that assigned it.
"DUDE, this is almost as gay as THE GREAT GATSBY, I mean come on..."
by yuimbn April 26, 2010
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