Hardest mother fucker in the world.

He's a retired navy seal, ultra marathon runner, athlete, public speaker and also a writer.his famous book" Can't hurt me".
He is famous for his motivational talk with not just words but through actions.

David goggins is the type of guy who gives his teacher home work.
Goggins favourite hobbies include
1. Going for a jog in a thunderstorm.
2. Swimming in freeing cold water.
3. Tying himself up and drowning in a lake.
Person1: hey man I don't feel like going for a run.
David Goggins: put your shoes on man, don't get poopy pants on me!
Person 1: I wanna take a day off.
David goggins: Merry Christmas mother fucker!!
by Abducted_by_aliens August 17, 2022
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The retired Navy SEAL, ultra marathon, public speaker and author David Goggins’ effect to empower people. The effect causes people to push themselves to the extreme and to break physical barriers and challenges. Often used with quotes from him such as, “They don’t know me son” and “Who’s going to carry the boats”
“I heard Dave started running”
“Yea, he just ran his first ultramarathon last week.”
“Must be the Goggins’ effect”
by PunctualPanda June 25, 2023
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A celsetial god/being of unkown origin. Was created before time itself under unknown circumstances, he is described as a handsome, tall black-bald feller. He was enemies with Steve but after the Jaydoni incident they teamed up to keep the other gods at bay from attacking Earth, especially from Entity 405, Mr. Goggins old succesor.
Mr. Goggins is hot.
by V0ID_0 April 27, 2022
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Any email thread with more than six addressees will resolve itself without you having to respond.
Wonk A: Incredible! By the time I read that email thread about the TPS reports, Jane in Marketing and Brad in Finance had fixed the problem... I didn't have to do a thing!

Wonk B: Goggin's Law works in mysterious ways, my friend.
by burnt sox May 16, 2010
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A sex act in which an older gentleman resembling Mr. Monopoly blows you in exchange for currency.
I got the best Walton Goggins at the retirement home last night, only cost me a wheat penny.
by 2MS January 28, 2015
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To ski or snowboard without goggles or sunglasses.
My goggles broke on the chairlift so I spent the rest of the day raw-goggin down the mountain.
by Backdoor_Marge September 11, 2022
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