Anything that is lame or not cool, applies especially when things are actually homosexual
Bob: Lets watch some My Little Pony.
Chris: dude that's fucking gayyy
by ITheManInBlackI August 6, 2017
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A universal word that can be used to describe an infinity of things in an infinite way. Can be positive and negative For example:
we have another class??? thats gayyy. that guy is gay??? that's gayyy. Hes homophobic??? that's gayyy. He's good at fortnite that's gayyy. His favorite anime is promised neverland too?? that's gayyy.
by RadnorFizz December 1, 2020
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A word used by children when they run out of insults
Your mom gayyy Kyle. I slapped her boobies shes a bad lady.
by Breadrinbreadbin November 26, 2019
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New holiday, Every year on November 13th you must be as SUS As possible to your freinds, Famaly, boyfriend/girlfriend, Teachers anyone you come in contact with . You must be as SUS as possible for the entire 24 hours of the day and if you complete the entire day being sus to everyone you can then and ONLY then tell everyone its a holiday.
Get up dude its Gayyy day we have to be as sus as possible.
by j the master of wisdom November 1, 2021
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