A ginger guy who's into back alley gay orgies
I hate going down that alley, so many Gallagher's there
by Lawrence Smith May 23, 2008
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The act of having sex with a female, then after you cum you lay on top of her, shit on her stomach. Then you take your hand and slap her stomach has hard as you can. it is in regards to the imfamous comedian who used to smash fruit with hammers which then splattered all over the audience.
I shit all over that chick and then did a Gallagher all over her room.
by tj spaulding May 30, 2009
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A person who rats out another individual or group of people
That Gallagher told the teacher we cheated on that test
by Haiku Ninja March 2, 2007
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walking like a duck, making your hair sway side to side while you walk. Also, laughing like a crazy person. (PAHOHAHOHAHOHAHOHAHO) And if you are in a verbal fight, answer with the words, k whatever k, whatever, k bye, whatever, k.

bob: wow thats a definite Gallagher, she's got the hair swaying and crazy laugh!

by lawlzzzzzzzzzzzz June 20, 2009
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Past tense for smashing something with an object in a way that resembles the curley haired from from the 80s and 90s who is a hasbeen
Today in college Biology the teacher took a cellphone from someone who forgot to turn it off and gallaghered it strait into hell!
by Brook3 Burk3 (Not the model) October 14, 2005
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hottest man to ever exist 🤤🤤 as a kid he was adorable , when he’s older he’s hot as all shit 😍
girl: omg is that carl gallagher?!
girl 2: yes! isn’t he hot 🥵
by big.dick.bitch.com December 24, 2019
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One of the best characters on tv history. He is on the show Shameless and is sooo good. He suffers being bipolar and having a relationship with Mickey Milkovich. He is the best.
Friend 1: Who was that boy with Mickey?
Friend 2: Oh, that’s IAN GALLAGHER.
by shameless.fan. September 10, 2019
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