Pretty much one of the best cartoon television series marketed to an older audience in existence. Created by David X. Cohen and Matt Groening (also the creator of The Simpsons), Futurama is a sci-fi themed comedy about Fry, a lovable, average-Joe and simpleton from the 20th century, being frozen for 1000 years and waking up in a 30th century version of New York, called New New York.

Under strange circumstances he befriends Leela, a one-eyed mutant woman who is stuck-up and opinionated but knows how to kick the living crap out of nearly anyone, and Bender, a sassy, street-wise, trash talking, chain-smoking robot who runs on alcohol. Together, they deliver packages throughout the universe for Planet Express, a delivery company run by Hubert Farnsworth, Fry's only relative in the 30th century, and an elderly, eccentric professor.

The show has tons of laughs, awesome characters, great plots with a surprising amount of continuity for a show of its type. The art and voice talent are also great. The show's characters and setting allows for endless plot opportunities. Its science-fiction but you don't really have to be a fan of the genre to enjoy it.

The show had a decent run, from 1999 to 2003, but most fans can agree that this is not long enough. The show was canceled by Fox, but reruns can be seen on The Cartoon Network in the US and Teletoon in Canada. Fortunately, in a similar fashion to Family Guy, its DVD sales popularity has resurrected the series; Cartoon Network has picked it up and we can look forward to seeing new episodes hopefully in early-to-mid 2008.
PersonA: "If we can hit that bull's-eye, the rest of the dominoes will fall like a house of cards...Checkmate."

PersonB: One of Zapp Brannigan's best lines! Man I love Futurama.
by Dave April 20, 2007
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A television show created by Matt Groening that is a lot funnier than The wordSimpsons/word
by Matt Groening June 5, 2003
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The perfect mix of random hilarity, irony, and repeating jokes seen on TV. Unfortunately canceled by FOX, there will be no further seasons AFAIK. Still contains the random moments seen in shows like Robot chicken and Family Guy without becoming purely random, and sill contains irony without over- using it like the Simpsons. It uses about the same, # of repeating jokes as Aqua Team Hunger Force.
The number of jokes in a Futurama episode make it feel like it lasts for an hour... and it still goes to fast.
by _red___xiii_ March 27, 2008
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What happens to a show when it is put in a bad time slot that guarantees it will be preempted by another regularly schedule TV event. The resulting pile of unaired episodes and low ratings then justify its cancellation.

Usually only doable by Fox Broadcasting with its 7-7:30 Sunday slot since the NFL and Nascar are variable length, regularly scheduled events that run in the fall and spring.
Fox just Futuramaed King of the Hill by moving it to the 7pm slot just in time for football season.
by rienholt September 21, 2009
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An excellent animated comedy based in an off-the-wall future world. Created by Matt Groening, the legendary creator of The Simpsons. Better than Family Guy, and DEFINITELY better than King Of The Hill.
"Today was a great day, because my Futurama Season 2 Box Set arrived in the post"
by Your worst nightmare November 14, 2003
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Quite possibly the greatest animated comedy show ever created. Cancelled by Fox, but a movie is coming out soon. Futurama has not been brough back like Family Guy, but that's probably a good thing since the new Family Guy seasons are complete shit due to its enormous popularity.
Person 1: Man, I can't wait for the new Furuama movie.
Person 1: The old stuff is pretty good despite ripping off pretty much everything, but the new stuff has been shit ever since they decided to please the dumbass mainstream audience instead of the true fans who watched it before adult swim got it.
by m3h December 25, 2005
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