by UnaL August 6, 2019
i flurry ok?
by 696XxZzPR0G4M3RGR4NDM4ZzXx6969 January 28, 2021
by Robert Young 2 December 11, 2010
An act, between two or more individuals, where one inserts contents of an ice cream McFlurry into his or her anus, to then eject it violently into the other mouth of the other participants.
by SPicard October 31, 2017
the wispy fecal matter remnants suspended in the toilet bowl following an inefficient flush, resembling that of a snow globe.
by Toe fan May 1, 2009
Verb (to e-flurry): A general term for various internet-based activities, such as checking e-mails, posting on forums and other online correspondences. The lower-case 'e' ensures it cannot be applied to any exercises that don't involve internet connectivity.
by thehallway October 26, 2010
When you it's really hot outside and your working up quite the sweat (including inside the crack). When you fart, it creates a scummy bubbly flurry inside your ass very similar to the duck flurry on top of ponds.
by gregalishus June 21, 2010