n. 1. an idiotic or lazy person who has not lived up to expectations. 2. some guy who is a disappointment. 3. originating from “flaccid,” flass refers to a person who cannot get an erection. 4. a big sweaty geesh hole
vb. flassing, flassed, flassing-out, flassed-out 5. to not get involved 6. to be absent at the annoyance of others. 7. to have your manhood sagging lifelessly at the opportune moment.
adj. flassy. 8. without interest or enthusiasm 9. sluggish; inactive; droopy; languid

flastic, flastic-modulus, flassability

Due to other commitments keeping him out of town, Adam was branded as a massive flass by his house-mates.

Through ridiculous amounts of flanging around Taz’s highly flastic personality converted to a flassed-out phallus.

Franco is such a flassy flass!
by TLJ May 3, 2007
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A flat ass woman a woman with no ass who seems to think they got an ass
Omg that girl tryin to shake dat flass
by Meygan April 11, 2006
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A contraction of the words "flaccid" and "ass".
Wayne inherited his mother's flass.

I looked up from rolling a joint and saw Catarina's flass flapping in the wind.
by KangDuc October 1, 2008
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Treating a girl like shit in order to manipulate her into finding you attractive, at least for a day or two. You completely disregard the females feelings to control her.
Sohil, you were flassing too hard back there, I thought she was going to slap the shit out of you.
by Dyingforsleep November 20, 2012
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Glasses that do not contain prescribed lenses, usually found on the shelves of your local Dollar General. worn by women who want to look sophisticated or cop out of putting on make-up/doing hair.
"check her out, she is totally sporting flasses"
"those can't be real, they are deffin. flasses!"
by Pyrotastic December 1, 2007
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1.flossing one's ass.

2.To floss an ass.
"Robin likes to Flass his mom"

"Where is Sanders? He's flassing"

"Sure am Glad I'm not flassing....like Robin is in the Gazebo...with his mom"
by Cyrus224 October 13, 2005
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When you're scratching your ass and find a stray hair, and as you pull it out you realize it's actually in your arsehole, like floss, but up your ass.
It was so embarASSing when I yanked that flass out during my threesome with Earl and Lorlene.
by Millergirl601 November 30, 2006
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