its abortian. also why the fuck are you looking up fetus deletus? get a life you dumb hoe. go play fortnite or something.
by TheTragicKiwi April 15, 2019
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I went to get a fetus deletus when i found out i was impregnated by lumberjack's seed.
by BrittanyEmilyCourtneyMorgan January 25, 2009
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An alternative name for abortion. However, the procedure is slightly different. Whereas an abortion is performed professionally by doctors, fetus deletus refers to a quick and hard blow to the fetus from an outside force. It may be voluntary, self-inflicted, or involuntary.
Female: My fetus died!
Doctor: Was it preformed professionally?
Female: No, this asshole just came up and punched me!
Doctor: Hm...sounds like a case of fetus deletus.
by Nitrocidic_UB March 3, 2018
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the spell harry potter used to abort his and professor mcgonnogal's baby so ginny didnt find out
"harry, you must perform fetus deletus to stop this"
by kittehmining234 February 26, 2015
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When you are pregnant and you don’t want the child. At this point you are in the dilevery room and it’s now or never. The doctor asks do you want the child or not. You say no and he screams FEETUS DELTUS!!!!! And he chucks the newborn child across the room
Nurse: Dr. The patient doesn’t want this Child anymore....
*chucks baby across the room*
by Slide sloot September 21, 2018
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The act of performing a spell on a pregnant women. It also works for deleting people from the world
"I'm going into labor"
*baby vanishes*
by Tossed salad 12r February 15, 2020
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