Feel your mantitties
by Real Ass Nibba June 20, 2018
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way of saying, 'fuck your mother' without actually saying 'fuck your mother'.

also see: your mom and fuck

also used as verb; (fucking your mother)
Person 1: You're a whore who stands on corners in revealing clothing just looking for someone to fuck because you're so damn desperate.

Person 2: Oh, FYM

Random person: OHHHHHHHH.
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Fuck You Mum. Used when feeling extreme hate / anger / rage against your mother.
mum cut off my internet , but i reconnected it and now she'll be stuck with a huge bill

FYM}!!! :D
by mymumsacunt May 18, 2009
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Fuck You Money: having enough money to say "fuck you" to your employer and quit.
I'm trying to amass my FYM so I can be the 1%.
by konrness December 22, 2011
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Acronym: FWM; Free Your Mind
The process of releasing yourself from mental hinderance. Often achieved through the practice of giving zero f*#!s, eating ice cream, and taking naps.
P1: “Man, I’m so stressed about that snooty ass literati in my book club.”
P2: “Fym girl!”
by AlphaAOG January 12, 2020
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Fuck You Mitch used as a term of endearment towards a buddy or pal. Can be used in a sentence or on its own. Often used in conjunction with FYJ (Fuck You Joe)
by The real FYC June 26, 2019
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Bob: See I got myself new bapes poor boi!
Me: FYM mofo!
by alexx_roxx March 25, 2011
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