A slur for French Canadaiens, as they are lesser than frogs.
Yo that croaker just skipped the waterpark line!

Yo that croaker just chugged that maple syrup!

Yo that croaker was being an obnoxious human all the time.
by Loli-lover-69 May 11, 2018
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The act of presuading a doctor to write a “script” (or prescription) for morphine, known to junkies as “making the croaker
Bill made the croaker twice in one week.
by fusco September 2, 2003
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A man who lives his life as a straight man and has a family with kids. all of a sudden comes out gay. gets a boyfriend, lives as a gay man getting ass pounded everynite.
dam john citizen turned gay overnite and has kids and a wife Dam the croaker !.
by Hyb February 15, 2013
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A doctor, quack, or sawbones.

A frog.

A vocal fish.
This bronchitis won't go away. I'm going to see the croaker.
by Bumkicker Slade May 11, 2005
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A Dashingly Clever Fellow Who Questions Everything in His Own Debonaire Way
Croaker Disagreed with Threnody Repeatedly.
by Croaker July 13, 2004
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a croaker is a person with big lips and is always croakering.they give birth to lots of little croakerettes.the females have a tendency to hide chicken pieces and the cruet under their hats.
a croaker has fucking huge doggie bags.quomp nicking. loves jerk chicken.lips flapping in the wind like a kite.noses like a wizards sleeve.
by polly ploppicus March 26, 2009
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When you're fishing in Louisiana and all you keep catching are those damn little croakers.
Hey Mike, you catchin' anything? Mike: yea, all i keep catching are these damn croaker nuggets! But i'm saving them for Jordan because he's the only tard that wants to eat them.
by Drunk Bob June 28, 2011
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