Cordell's are typically gods of literature trapped in human form , if you meet one make sure you surrender to them any marijiuana and/or other narcotics you may be caring. Cordell's are notorious drug addicts and will literally rip your dick off for a hit.
I met a cordell today , he smoked all my weed.
by cortwang blumpkin April 1, 2015
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-Cordell -
pronouced St-rang-e

- Odd lurking creature that is too hott for the oprah show.

- May cause children to randomly explode in youth centres
That person over there is soo Cordell.

Be careful you don't Overdose on Cordell or you will explode
by -Livi/Bex December 15, 2005
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A person that always haves the biggest and longest duck in the room
(Cordell )is the smartest men to walk the earth.
by Lol pussy December 17, 2016
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generally a tall, soccer playing, attractive guy. Seriously the coolest guy you'll ever met. A bit of a man whore but the best friend anyone could ever have. Completely loyal and understanding. That guy who is always there for his friends no matter what. The one guy to trust your life with. A true kepper for any lucky girl. Just dont try and control him. He is a free spirit
"Hey Cordell"
"Hey gotta run! But lets chill tomorrow!"
by MS141414 November 19, 2011
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If someone has the last name Cordell they are a cunt.
by I hate cordells March 10, 2019
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a total prick; jerk and anything else like that you can possibly think of!
Student: cordell is the perfect name for you!!
other student: why cuz i was being a prick?
Student: exactly!
by steno13 April 18, 2008
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