Colm, The person sitting next to me. Likes to play on his computer and theorise about l33t h4xx0rs :<\
has a lot of pron
Colm is a fool
by wrin January 12, 2004
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Generally a mild-mannered, ginger. It is often taught that 'Colm' means 'dove'. It would be more accurate to say it means a borderline alcoholic with a slight gambling addiction, who happens to drunk text more than sober text, and has the most twisted obsession with his ex- Even though she is a conniving bitch that cannot keep her legs together.

He may also have a weird obsession with historical documentaries and things referring to ghetto pop culture..

Generally an awkward person, but very caring once you get to know him.
"My God, I can't believe he's getting with her again... He's such a Colm."

"Do you think Ryan would go out for a few drinks tonight?"
"Nah, I asked and he's watching that doc on the Potato Famine again"
"Jesus! He's such a Colm!"

"Why is he wearing a snap-back with a hood on in the middle of summer?!"
"I don't know man, I think he thinks he's a Colm.."
by Sighs for Society March 14, 2014
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Colm is a Amazing person he is Fit, strong, Athletic and is a amazing basketball player, he is so amazing at basketball and so determined to the point where he will be a NBA player
by Namereviewer September 13, 2020
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A man who has had bad backround but still shows everthing is allright. He is one who is a blue eyed attractive man. He likes only the best girls but no one knows it for he has no gut to ask them out. Colm is a tall skiny amn but has great power inside. He is highly attractive
"Colm is so awesome he is so attractive!"
by Laddy boi March 2, 2018
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a thief, but one who will show remorse with a single tear
"oh no, where is my bag??"
"a colm must have stolen it!!"
...far far away, the thief sheds a single tear
by nonononooo March 19, 2011
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colm: the act of punching an old guy in the liver..RIGHT ON THE LIVER..!!
old lady: it's too late maybe tommorrow..

colm: mcmorrow?!im gonna punch u in the liver bitch!
by GULLYWHUMPER January 8, 2010
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