A boy who will mess with you and make you love him, but really right when you do he'll break up with you and say he wasn't feeling it. He will also ask you for nudes even after he starts dating someone else, and tell you he wants to fuck you. So really he's just a fuckboy wanting nudes.
Girl, Cameryn is such a fuckboy.
by yourtypicalidiot March 4, 2017
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Sex with apples
A Dirty Cameryn is when it’s New Year’s Eve and you’re talking to your friends about drinking chicken. Then your friend cameryn misunderstands you and says “oh I’ve had sex with apples”.
by Phicheal melps September 11, 2022
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cameryn agins is my bestfriend i love her to death but she also has no booty bad breath and no boobs but i still love her ohh and she has straight teeth so that’s good but follow us on tiktok- pyt..lileeahnaaa tiktok-camerynagins
dang uu love uu don’t look like cameryn agins .
by lileeahnaaa April 12, 2020
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Red head girl named addy: Is that cameryn norris?
Blonde girl named Morley: Yeah but be careful he loves red heads like you!
by Exoticdoorhandle May 5, 2023
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