aka ean, blackanese, blacky, green hat.
Teenage geek who mooches off his father, unlikely to ever get a job - He's too busy popping e's and twirling his glowsticks in his green hat. Fucking druggo.
"aint nothing but a black man in a green hat"
1:OMG check out that stud!
2:That aint no stud, thats greenhat.
by #privgen December 11, 2004
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A place where undeniable douchebags hang out. You'll likely find the man-ho's from Bad Habit and the straight up hobag's of 100% there at least four nights a week. While they might appear slightly attractive at first, they are really all succubus's.

Residents of Clinton Township Michigan dread the fact every day that this club still exists.
"Yo... we are going to Blk Mkt tonight aight?"

"Fuck no, Im going to actually do something with my life, not look like a jersey shore mandango, and hang out with my friends ANYWHERE but Blk Mkt"
by EArcherPres November 25, 2011
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Nastiest swisher sweet thing ever!!! Bought one once because they were so cheap, $.69, and lit it up. Nastiest stuff ever! Not even worth the money!!!

Never smoke these.
Hey man! Those BLK Cherry are only $0.69 cents and come in cherry and sweet flavors! Lets buy one!
NO DUDE! Nastiest thing ever!!!
by TellingTheTruthAlways November 29, 2011
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its a new race.When your daddy's Black and your mom's white or the other way around you are a blk-nigga/white-cracker.
i have a friend named kiana alexion her dad's white and her mom's white so we call her blk-nigga/white-cracker.
by kiana kimble January 3, 2010
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Blk ink is a fire ass artist who is literally smarter than everyone. He is very kind with a large vocabulary, and he is a funny ass nigga.
by Blk ink November 22, 2021
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A DIY venue in Cleveland, OH that focuses on fostering community for independent artists in a safe space for LGBTQIA+. Oh and they make sure artist get paid adequately! $$$
Hey you going to that show this weekend at BLK PUNX PRESS?
by Joinmy.navy November 24, 2021
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